
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli 18, 2009

Standar Ukuran ID Card yang Benar dan Sesuai Kebutuhan

  sumber pict. Ukuran standar ID card ada banyak jenisnya. Kamu bisa menentukan berapa ukuran ID card, sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Identity card atau ID card adalah kartu identitas seseorang. Menurut Kamus Merriam Webster, pengertian ID card adalah kartu yang memuat data pengenal tentang individu, seperti nama, usia maupun keanggotaan organisasi). Umumnya, fungsi ID card adalah sebagai tanda pengenal seseorang yang dipakai di tempat atau acara tertentu. Di Indonesia sendiri, ID card sebagai tanda pengenal menjadi kebutuhan utama bagi banyak institusi, perusahaan atau perkantoran, universitas maupun sekolah. Misalnya, ID card untuk karyawan di perusahaan, event atau tempat lainnya yang membutuhkan tanda pengenal untuk akses keamanan. Berapa ukuran ID card? Simak penjelasannya di bawah ini. Ukuran ID Card dan Jenisnya Ukuran ID card digunakan disesuaikan berdasarkan kebutuhan maupun tempatnya. Oleh sebab itu, ada banyak jenis id card. Adapun beberapa jenis ID card antara lai

Being Resourceful With Your Resource Box

One of the most common ways article marketing is done is by submission of articles to online directories. These directories will publish your articles, allowing your information to be potentially accessed by hundreds or even thousands of people across the world over time. If your articles are of good quality, you can even establish yourself as an expert in the field you are writing about. This should be your primary goal as you begin to build your online business. With this idea in mind, notice the way you can structure your articles in a way that they become powerful marketing tools. Also notice the places outside the article, and how you can avoid common mistakes with these areas. In particular, I am referring to the resource box. Selling too much is a common resource box mistake people tend to make. As you may be tempted to say just how much you know, consequently how many websites you on, you may be liable to make this mistake, the result of which is a greatly reduced credibility r

Secrets of Article Promotion - How to Generate 1,000 Fresh Leads Monthly

What kind of sales do you think you could generate with 1,000 unique subscribers to your list every single month. Well, it's not that hard to achieve and tons of people are doing just that. They are attracting 1,000 subscribers to their squeeze pages every 4 weeks and you can do the same. It's easy to keep track of the number of subscribers to your list - you just need to check the statistics in your auto responder account on a regular basis. You can work out how many articles you need to write in order to produce how many subscribers. That's how I did it. And let me tell you when you achieve 1,000 articles per month there is so much you can do online. You can play with your figures to make improvements, you can create new products every month and monitor conversions, there is so much you can do because you have the volume of new traffic each month to test. Let's say you sell a $2k tele-class every month. If you have 1,000 new subscribers and you have a conversion rate

Being Resourceful With Your Resource Box

One of the most common ways article marketing is done is by submission of articles to online directories. These directories will publish your articles, allowing your information to be potentially accessed by hundreds or even thousands of people across the world over time. If your articles are of good quality, you can even establish yourself as an expert in the field you are writing about. This should be your primary goal as you begin to build your online business. With this idea in mind, notice the way you can structure your articles in a way that they become powerful marketing tools. Also notice the places outside the article, and how you can avoid common mistakes with these areas. In particular, I am referring to the resource box. Selling too much is a common resource box mistake people tend to make. As you may be tempted to say just how much you know, consequently how many websites you on, you may be liable to make this mistake, the result of which is a greatly reduced credibility r

3 Traffic Systems

How to use articles to drive traffic to your website at rapid speed. What if you discovered a simple strategy that you can use to write articles for instant and long-term traffic? Here are 3 simple steps to get you started. Step 1 - Instant traffic plan. Step 2 - Long term traffic plan. Step 3 - Consider creating video articles. Here are step by step details that you can apply quickly and easily. Step 1 - Instant traffic plan. You can easily use the power of articles to drive traffic to your website instantly starting today. Write short quality articles in your niche and submit them to high traffic article directories like Ezine articles. There are many high traffic article directories online, all you need to do is research them and test the one's that drives instant traffic to your website and submit your articles right there. Here is a long-term traffic generation plan to follow. Step 2 - Long term traffic plan. There is a simple plan that you can follow to drive traffic to your

Create Multiple Uses of Your Articles

When I first started bashing out articles on a daily basis, several years ago, they were created and submitted for a one time use only. But now I have wizened up! Whenever I create articles, e-books, audio products or whatever, I get multiple uses out of it so that I don't have to spend so much of my time writing. Here are some of the ways find multiple uses of your articles: 1) E-book into articles: Whenever I create a new product such as an e-book or mini-course I take some of the chapters and, after some tweaking and editing, I create new articles for the article directories. Most of my products are at least 50+ pages long which means I can create at least 25 articles from a standard e-book. If I am working on a big project, say 150 page book then I can create even more articles. With some rephrasing of some of the paragraphs and a new introduction and conclusion I can very quickly generate a 450 word article in minutes. 2) Articles into e-course: Most of my articles teach the r

The Basics

Article marketing is hands down on of the best ways to drive quality traffic online. In terms of quality, it beats every other system out there. It's better than PPC because anyone can start article marketing. You can start earning money right now, without spending any. There are a few basics, however, you need to know in order to make article marketing work for you. Let's talk about what they are. Basic On Page SEO The whole reason we choose article marketing over putting content on our own sites, it essentially the page rank of the article site. Sites like this one, EzineArticles, and other sites like GoArticles and Searchwarp have a very high page rank--something that even experienced marketers would have trouble getting in a short amount of time. What does this do for you? Well, the higher the page rank, the better Google places the site in search results. So, in effect, your articles are assigned the page rank of EzineArticles when they're published here, or GoArticles

Effective Article Marketing Strategy Tips

Establishing an effective article marketing strategy is pretty similar to the strategy employed day to day in your current setting. The biggest difference is that article marketing is more effective. When a potential customer enters your store now, you don't try to sell them everything in your store in one fell swoop. Rather you identify what they are looking for and focus your attention on selling them the appropriate product. You will seek to answer their questions, resolve any hidden objection and provide them a sense of confidence in their decision to do business with you, rather than the guy down the street. You will do the same with article marketing. Since article marketing is directed to the internet world, you need to have an online landing page where customers can make their purchase. You want a single page for each product you are selling. The page should picture the product, and highlight the key benefits your sales staff uses day in and day out to sell the product in y

Article Marketing Secrets

Do you want to learn Secrets of Article Marketing that will take you to the TOP of your niche and bring in lots of hungry customers? Article marketing can be an extremely effective and efficient way to get cash paying customers to come to YOUR website. The thing is, you have to make sure that you are attracting customers and not just visitors. So, how should you go about writing articles that attract customers? 1. Know your topic in and out. You would be surprised at how many people will write on a topic and it is OBVIOUS that they are not experts in their field, they are just "recycling" the same old, same old. Don't get caught up in this as this is the "lazy" way to go about it. 2. Get inside the mind of a potential customer. You have to know what they want to know and how to present them with your topic and your product or service so that they get the impression you have what they are looking for. 3. Write as many articles as you can. A lot of people will wri

7 Profitable Methods to Amplify Your Article Marketing

When people write content in their article marketing articles, they have different styles. Sometimes they follow a specific structure in their writing to get more people to read their articles. In this article learn some of those simple tips, tricks, and strategies. Revealed - 7 profitable methods to amplify your article marketing. 1. Keep building and working your list. This is a basic activity to do for all business. Because of your list, you have customers. Keep working your list until you convey your message to your potential prospects and already established customers that the can live their dream life. In the form of information products you already have the solutions for them to do that. 2. Using new headlines, rewrite articles you currently have. See if the clickthru rates increase. 3. Rewrite current articles and edit them some for a new niche that may also feel interested in your information. 4. Be a friend to yourself. Go at a reasonable pace for yourself as you work your bu

Discover 6 Targeted Methods to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Having the correct attitude so that you can constructively move forward in your business, you see the value of article marketing. Especially for those businesses that are just new and starting out, you've got a limited budget and article distribution works quite well in your budget. Keep reading to discover 6 targeted methods to jumpstart your article program. 1. Find common ground with your niche market through your articles in your article distribution. Finding common ground means that you write articles that provide tips, techniques and strategies to help your client reach his or her goals. Go out of your way to help your clients achieve their desires and they shall consult with you more. 2. Build your relationship with your readers through your marketing. When you build a relationship with your readers, you intentionally share information, case studies and instructions so they can trust you are the expert with whom they most would like to work. 3. Find out what your niche group

4 Powerful Secrets to Excel With Article Marketing

Imagine having a sales team working for you 24/7. Now imagine your 24/7 sales team requiring no salaries whatsoever. Would that be a very valuable sales team? When you write a lot of articles for your article marketing campaign, each one of those articles represents a person that is selling your products. Continue to read to learn 4 powerful secrets to excel at marketing. 1. If you've ever created 100 articles like I have in one batch, you know that sometimes that is tedious work. But you also know you've got to promote your business. So, here are some ideas about keeping to the task of writing lots of articles to use in your marketing campaign. When you sit down and do some marketing, write some articles then get up and do something else for a while. This is especially helpful if you start to feel drowsy at the keyboard. Getting up and walking around and doing a different task for awhile actually helps your brain relax. So, follow this idea. This way you can stay fresh and kee

Uncover 5 Nifty Secrets to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Nobody is going to run a more successful business than the business owner. As a business owner yourself you understand what that statement really means. One way for you to operate a very successful business is to promote it in a unique way providing information and educational material. When you do this your prospects see you as a trusted advisor instead of a salesperson. This gets you more customers than your competition. Uncover 5 nifty secrets to jumpstart your article marketing. 1. Focus on building a long-term relationship with the ideal prospect. Building a long-term relationship means you willingly share information that actually improve the situation for the prospect. Remember you're here to serve niche market. Show your ideal prospects how you help others reach their goals whatever their goals are in your building a great relationship while promoting your business. 2. In your articles, talk in conversational style. When you are relaxed and calm trouble talking about your e

Announcing Marvelous Methods to Increase Your Article Marketing

As you stay focused on experiencing beneficial results of promoting your business, understand the value of the cost effective technique of article marketing. When you start your business on a shoestring, or on a limited budget, you'll find that article marketing can be beneficial for you. Announcing marvelous methods to increase your article marketing. 1. Do your best to think like your ideal customer. Write content you think your ideal customer prefers to hear. This can be very easy to do. Imagine that you are your ideal customer. Sit down at the computer. Type in keyword phrases and do a search for your products and services for your niche. Then, research the keywords and phrases with an online keyword search tool. Use the ones with the highest ratings. Those are often words people in your niche use to look for you. If you put those words in your article marketing articles, people will naturally be looking for articles containing those keywords. So, you will be naturally attracti

7 Reliable Steps to Make Money Through Article Marketing

There are different things that you can do to make money by doing article marketing. In this brief article, you are reading about ideas to help you accomplish just this. Revealed - 7 reliable steps to make money through article marketing. 1. Provide content that helps your readers see a situation from a new viewpoint. The new viewpoint will contain new insight that helps them achieve their desired goals. This can be particularly important for people who may think in narrow or close-minded ways. When there are other viewpoints in an article, everyone may benefit. 2. Share your expertise in your article. Do this by writing topics and various subtopics relevant to your niche market. As you share your expertise, you establish your reputation for being something who knows what he or she is talking about. 3. Consider adding video article marketing. This is where you are sharing your expertise in video format. After you create your video, publish it online at sites like YouTube. These videos

Uncover 5 Interesting Ways to Improve Your Article Marketing

You like getting customers fast? By promoting your business on a routine basis, you make yourself known. The more that you do something to make your business popular, quickly you're going to get customers. Article marketing is the most cost effective way to promote your business. Uncover 5 interesting ways to improve your article marketing. 1. Provide quality content. When you provide quality content for your customers, they will come back to you repeatedly for more products. 2. Write content in a simple, understandable way to your readers. Those articles that are filled with fluff are passed over for content-rich articles like the ones you write. People appreciate the relationship you build with them as you share useful information in an easy-to-use-and-understand format. Readers are looking for solutions to their most pressing problems. You will be remembered by them in a favorable way to you when you honestly and freely share your helpful information so they can reach their goal

Is Article Marketing Right For You?

Article marketing has become so popular that almost every online marketer wants to have a piece of the cake. What most marketers do not realize is that article marketing is not an easy task. It requires skill and a lot of hard work. If you do not have the time or patience, you may as well kiss article marketing goodbye. Read on to know if article marketing is the right path for you. Many people think that you can make money just by writing about anything. Don't be fooled. You need to be able to come up with good content. As an article marketer, you need to write for your audience, and not for search engines. You have to make sure that your content is packed with useful and interesting information. Attract your target readers first, and worry about the search engines later. It is important to try as much as possible to write as yourself. When you don't copy someone else's writing style or topics of interest, the words will naturally come to you, making article writing a much

Getting Past The Article Directory Admissions Office

The power of strategic article marketing is undeniable. If used well and to the company's benefit, it can do so much in driving exposure and traffic to your business or website. This even becomes more evident when you start writing lots of unique content and regularly submitting them to site directories. Remember - the more you can tap into your target market, the better your exposure and the higher the chance of making a sale. However, before you should even think about submitting your articles to these directories, make sure that you use correct formatting in all of your articles. Different sites have different rules and standards that you should adhere to, and it is important for you as a website owner to know what these are. A typical format is comprised of the summary, article body, and resource box, where you identify yourself as the source of information through your URL and contact information. Once you have done this, you are now free to find an appropriate directory, find

Finding The Perfect Writer Article

Most article marketers testify as to how effective and lucrative article marketing is. Indeed, it has become one of the most popular money-making tools on the Web. However, not every aspiring article marketer has the luxury of time to constantly write articles to keep the profits rolling. Read more to find out how to solve this problem and start getting article marketing to work for you. Article marketing may not be as easy as you think. It requires skill, time and hard work. What you need to do is outsource - get someone to do all the work for you while you sit back and count the profits you make from your online business. Selecting a writer to do your work for you may be a bit tricky. You have to be careful in choosing your writer as this will very much determine the success of your business. There are lots of freelance writers out there, but there are only a few who could get the job right. Below are a few tips you can use to separate the wheat from the chaff. Start by asking your w

Article Marketing and List Building

In a word: yes. Article marketing is one of the hottest Internet marketing strategies today. Apart from being cost-effective (as it really does help you save your expenses - usually it's FREE!), it really, totally works. Just ask anyone who has done it for their website. The beauty of article marketing is that you are able to create your own content, based on what sales message you want to put out in the form of unique content. Once you have done this, you can publish them anywhere - on your website, in different publications, you name it, the Internet has it! One of the better and easier ways to drive more traffic to your website is the renowned site directory. You can upload your articles to them and they'll store your article in its archives, allowing any user who has a query about your expertise to access your content, and in turn, visit your website! This is, of course, assuming that you give yourself credit and identify yourself as the source - this is what the resource b